Advanced Shooting Techniques And Marksmanship Skills. Included here are some different shooting techniques ranging from shooting while behind cover, to shooting while on the move. Simply learning about these shooting techniques will not prepare you for a real conflict unless you practice what you learn on a regular basis. You have probably heard the term "practice makes perfect", that could not be any further from the truth. If you only practice shooting at a stationary target, then you will only be good at shooting at a stationary target. You should broaden your training and train yourself on a variety of shooting techniques.
Practice Advanced Marksmanship Even though it is called "Advanced Marksmanship", it should be a priority to make it second-nature. There are many instances post-collapse that would make advanced marksmanship necessary. Home Invasions These are a common occurrence in today's world, imagine how much home invasions will increase post-collapse. Being able to defend your home and your family against any threat is the cornerstone for surviving a disaster. Someone who forcibly comes into your home is no friend of yours, most of the time. Most home invaders are after money, valuables, or even after your life. Threats In The Wilderness Most of the time when you bug out, you will spend some time in the woods. Do you really think you will be the only person who goes this route post-collapse? A lot of panic will ensue after a catastrophic event, and panic makes people do unspeakable things. If you run into a looter (or any type of threat) on your way to your bug out location, you will want to know more than your opponent. Knowledge is power, and that power could mean you winning the firefight. Terrorist Attacks The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy (or girl) with a gun. Think of the recent terror attacks around the world, most of which could have been stopped by someone with the proper knowledge and means of doing so. If you find yourself in a legitimate firefight, advanced marksmanship will give you the upper-hand. It may even save your life, and the live of others. The First Few Seconds Of A Firefight The best thing you can do to prepare yourself is to train hard, and then train some more. The more you train, the more these techniques will become second nature when needed. This way, you do not have to think about what to do, you just do it. When you get shot at, the first thing you should do is shoot back. While you return fire, seek an area where there is cover. Never hide, hiding will kill you. There is a big difference between hiding, and taking cover to return fire. The first 15 seconds of a firefight determines who has fire-superiority, which means whoever has more firepower, will dominate the 15-second fight. Winning the 15-second fight is imperative, if you do not, then your enemy has a far greater chance of walking away alive. After you take cover, you need to think of what is called the "3 D's" in your head. These 3 D's are distance, direction, and description. Make a mental note of these three things because they are very important for how you are going to engage them from cover. If you are in a group of people, yell them out loudly so everyone in your group can hear. Distance This is self-explanatory, make a mental note of the distance of the person shooting at you. If they are 1m (3.25ft) to 50m (164ft) away, that makes them close range. If they are 50m (164ft) to 100m (328ft) away, that makes them medium range. Anything over 100m (328ft) classifies them as long range, these measurements become important for what decisions you will make in the next section. Direction If you are by yourself, you can make a mental note of the direction of your threat. If you are in a group, you will yell out a direction 1-12 o'clock from the group, not just from yourself. This is important because it gives your team a general sense of what kind of cover they should be seeking and in what direction. Description Description is a very important factor to consider when it comes to a firefight, especially if you are in a group. Calling out your enemy's description not only means calling out what they are wearing, but also what type of weapons are noticed. If there is 3 men wearing black with AK-47s, and you are by yourself with only a Glock 19 9mm, you might want to break contact. You should never initiate a fight with less than 3-1 odds. Shooting While In Cover You need to return fire, even if your enemy has the advantage and you are going to break contact. The longer you keep their heads down, the more freedom of maneuverability you have. In a firefight, you should use the "bounding" technique. This means when you move, you should only be up and running for 3 seconds at a time. Say in your head "I'm up, they see me, I'm down", this is a good subliminal tool to use when you want to bound. By the time you are done with the sentence, you should already be either prone, or behind your next cover and concealed position. If you are up for any longer, your risk of getting shot increases by the second. When you are behind cover, wait for a lull in gunfire to return fire. Nobody is superhuman, so do not try to be the hero and shoot while your position is getting hammered by accurate gunfire. Once there is a lull, do not shoot at them just to suppress, shoot to kill. The person who runs out of ammo first, dies first. Make sure you make every shot count, so if you come up from behind cover to shoot and they retreat behind cover at the same time, shoot a controlled pair into their cover and wait for them to make the next mistake. Optimize the amount of cover you have. If you have a wall you can use to brace your weapon on, do it. Use the environment to your advantage. If you are shooting from the side of your cover, change position. do not set a pattern, or your enemy can catch on and shoot you once you poke back out again. Never shoot from the same position more than twice in an engagement if you can help it, if you can confuse your enemy, you have already won (depending on your accuracy). If you use a tree as cover, make sure you choose a tree that is thick enough to actually stop bullets. do not pick a tree that is 3 inches wide, you will look stupid and you will get shot. When you use the tree, you should shoot from the side that is the same as your dominant side. This way, you can move the same-side knee out to "hug" the tree and rest your shooting elbow on the knee. This maximizes your cover, as well as a stable position to fire from. Shooting On The Move If you take contact while you are moving, return fire in the general direction that you heard the rounds coming from while you run to cover. If you are bounding, concentrate on covering more distance while you run, rather than shooting. Sometimes, however, there are instances where you have no choice but to shoot while moving (like room clearing, or initial contact). In these scenarios, there is many things you can do to help your accuracy, as well as mitigate the risk of tripping. All of this becomes much easier if you are in good shape, so if you are not, make sure you start. The method of walking and shooting requires a good stance, as well as a steady base. While you walk, bend your knees slightly and (while keeping your back straight) lean your torso slightly forward. This gives you a steady base and the recoil of your weapon will not rock you as much while you are moving. Imagine you are trying to keep a watermelon between your thighs while you walk as well, this will prevent you from walking too narrow which will cause you to trip. While you shoot, you can use many techniques as far as trigger squeeze timing goes. A favorite technique is shooting on the same foot. This allows you to steady your shots, and keep a steady rhythm. To do this, pick a side (like a non-dominant leg, so your shooting stance is natural when you fire) and every time you step forward with that side, you squeeze the trigger. you will find that your shot groups are tighter, and your breathing is more controlled if you find a rhythm when you shoot while moving. Make sure that when you are moving, you never cross your feet. Some people like to cross-over when moving from side to side. This is incredibly stupid, because one small shift of your balance will cause you to fall over, potentially taking you out of the fight. Instead, you should strafe from side to side by never moving your feet closer than shoulder-width apart. In doing this, you are actually adding the ability to move faster, while cutting out the risk of falling. Room Clearing A doorway is a fatal funnel, which means all gunfire will be directed at the doorway if there is an enemy or enemies in the room. If you pause or hesitate while you are in the fatal funnel, you will more than likely die. This technique is incredibly useful for many reasons, one of them being to clear your bug out location of threats after you have arrived. There is a good chance that someone else may have found it, so it is up to you (or you and your team) to make sure it is safe before you make yourself comfortable. The worst thing you can do is "assume" something is safe, this leaves your life, and your family's life up to chance. If you are by yourself, you should "pie" the corner, or doorway before you enter. When you pie something, you are slowly aiming around a corner, or entryway. This minimizes your exposure while you clear a larger area. If there is a larger threat (like a machine gun) than you can handle, you can always move back. that is the beauty of using the pie method, you can always go back if necessary. You can also use this method for turning a corner in a hallway, or clearing a dead-space inside of a room. you are not Rambo, so do not act like it when you clear rooms. Your movement should be slow, and methodical. There is a saying "slow is smooth, smooth is fast.", this means if you slow it down, you are less likely to make mistakes. This makes your movement through each room faster than it would be if you tried to rush and kept making mistakes, or worse. You should check every door before you enter a room, run your hands along the crease of the door where it meets the frame to check for wires indicating a trap. Also, check the door handle to see if it is unlocked before you kick the door in. If you do not, you are exposing your body when you do not have to, in order to kick in an unlocked door. If it is locked, and you know there is no innocent people inside, only enemies, you can fire a few rounds through the door immediately before you kick it in. Be careful doing this, there are a lot of unseen variables when it comes to clearing a room, so this method should only be used when you are in a "move fast, or die" scenario. When you have entered the room, the first thing you should see is the middle. Immediately after you have cleared the middle, you need to pick a side of the room and dominate the near-corner. Once you have cleared the near-corner, you can move your point of aim to the corner diagonal to it. Once you have cleared the main level of the room, make sure you check the ceiling for peep holes cut in it. While impractical, holes are often cut in the ceiling in some advanced defenses to optimize an ambush on an unsuspecting victim. Ambushes Think of it this way: when you were younger and your sibling would attack you, you had to "one-up" them to beat them. The same thing goes for ambushes, shoot more than they do. Use the box drill (described below), or the NSR drill. If you enter through the doorway, and someone tries to grab your barrel, do not panic. Think clearly, they have only grabbed your barrel, they can not stop a bullet. Shoot them anyways, then keep moving. Another method of getting past a "rusher" (combatant who rushes you), is a "muzzle thump". Your barrel is made out of hard metal, hitting somebody with the end of it is incredibly painful and incapacitating if done with enough force. If all else fails, and you can not match their violence, a last resort would be throwing a grenade into the room. Not everyone has grenades readily accessible, so this might not even be an option for you. If there are multiple enemies in the room, follow the order of succession described above. If you leave any sectors un-cleared before you move onto the next, you risk getting killed. Tip: Never skip dead-space. These areas are very common for people to hide in, and once you have passed it, they will pop out and attack. A good way to think about it is "clear dead-space, or you will be dead." Point And Shoot Think about it, when you point at anything, you use your index finger. Your body is naturally used to referencing this as your subliminal natural point-of-aim. When you are in a CQC environment (when shooting close quarters is likely), stick your index finger on your support hand on your rifle out as if to point where your barrel is pointing. This way, if you have to make a split-second shot and you do not have time to aim, your shot placement will be more accurate because you are pointing at it. Shooting Drills Every scenario is different when it comes to a real-world firefight, and since we train how we fight, our shooting drills should be different too.
Shooting drills are a great way to safely practice for real-world scenarios at a static range. When you first start training on a drill, start off slow. Remember, slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. do not move onto the next drill until you have perfected the last one. Bruce Lee once said "I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times more than the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks one time." Conclusion Do not try to run before you have learned to walk, otherwise you are limiting yourself and how great you could have been. Do not try to learn drills before you have mastered your trigger squeeze. If you train on these techniques, you will greatly improve your combat-effectiveness skills.